More sand on the beach?

posted: August 5, 2016, 10:24 AM

For those of you who do not know, the Town of Holden Beach is considering adding sand to a large part of the strand. This project is called the Central Reach Project.
The additional sand will be placed from 240 O.B. E. to 781 O. B. W.
This will be a very expensive project that has several benefits to the Town.
However the project also has a huge advantage to the Holden Beach Turtle Patrol.
At this time it is almost impossible for sea turtles to lay eggs or for the HBTP to place nests in this area of the beach. There is just not enough dry sand. The result of this lack of sand is that the HBTP has to move nests into other areas of the beach. This is why we now have a huge group of nests from about the 900 block of O. B. W. through the 1100 block of O. B. W.
If and when the Central Reach Project is completed it will open up a huge addition space for nesting and nests.
For this reason The Holden Beach Turtle Patrol strongly supports the Central Reach Project.

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